Who Can Benefit from Family Therapy?

 Who Can Benefit from Family Therapy?

In 2022, the average family in the United States consisted of three members. These days, of course, it would be difficult to predict what the makeup of those three (or more, or fewer) members would be. Are they a blended family with stepchildren? Two kids raised by a single parent or grandparent? Three adult siblings living together?

Your children may be adopted. You may not have children. You may even have a household full of roommates, yet you act as a family, with many of the same conflicts, issues, and rewards.

At The Soho Center for Mental Health Counseling, you define who your family is. No matter how many members, no matter your relation, if you live together, if you care about one another, you may benefit from family therapy at our offices in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City or through HIPAA-compliant teletherapy. 

Would you and your family reap rewards from family therapy? Following are cases where it might.

Family conflicts cause distress

Conflict is part of life. However, when family members don’t have the right communication tools, conflicts can lead to painful rifts and distress.

You may be caught in a cycle of anger and blame. During your therapy sessions, your counselor holds a safe space for all family members to express themselves. You learn skills such as active listening, where you allow another to speak, even if you disagree with them.

You also learn to express your own needs without transferring blame to others. Our counselors teach you the benefits of using “I” statements when speaking to someone with whom you’re in conflict. You and your family members learn a set of conflict-resolution tools that you can use for the rest of your life. 

Your children have behavioral problems

Whether your child has a learning disorder, is experiencing bullying at school, is performing poorly at school, or is in a rebellious phase, family therapy can help, especially if you don’t know how to manage their behavior. 

When you attend family therapy together, you demonstrate to your child that you’re all “in this” together. They learn to express themselves more clearly, using words instead of actions, while you learn to listen and respond more objectively.

Somebody struggles with a mental health issue

Whenever a family member struggles with a mental health issue, it affects the entire family. Whether it’s an eating disorder, substance use disorder, or depression or anxiety, family therapy is a helpful supplement to individualized therapy.

A family therapist is focused on the family unit, rather than singling out one person who’s the “problem” or needs to be “fixed.” They help each of you learn to express themselves clearly, establish boundaries, and offer support to the struggling family member.

Someone experienced sexual or other types of abuse

When your child is sexually abused or otherwise victimized by another family member, a member of the community, or another child, they need your support and love to process the abuse. If the abuser is close to or part of the family, you may need to restructure family dynamics to keep your child safe.

Any trauma that affects one member of your family ultimately affects all of you. Your counselor creates a safe space where you can express the anger, hurt, rage, or grief brought about by the abuse.

You’re in the middle of grief, loss, or change

Losing a beloved family member or pet, moving, or a divorce or break up can shatter your image of what your family is or should be. When you or your children have trouble dealing with turbulent change, family therapy helps you express your fears while learning problem-solving skills that allow you to move forward.

You’re squeezed between child care and parent care

Now that many people start families later and people live longer, you may find yourself squeezed between caring for a growing child and a declining parent. You may feel resentful of their needs and how little time you have for yourself. 

The generational sandwich may be stretching the family’s emotional and financial resources thin. Family therapy may help you identify solutions that respect your needs. 

Family therapy isn’t forever

Unlike personal, individualized therapy, family therapy usually comes with a set end-point. You and your family have several issues you’d like to address, and we give you the tools to do so. On average, therapy lasts about 12 sessions, with homework in between.

Although your sessions are limited, the benefits aren’t. You use your new skills for the rest of your life, both within and outside of your family. 

Would your family benefit from family therapy? Contact our caring and sensitive team by phone or using our online form for in-person counseling or teletherapy.

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