I provide individual and couples therapy to adults of all ages, addressing concerns such as anxiety, depression, anger, complex trauma, interpersonal and relationship difficulties, self-esteem, cultural dissonance, professional stress, identity, and purpose. My approach is designed to foster curiosity, reflection, growth, and resilience. We illuminate emotions, identify patterns, and develop insight as we explore the layers of experience that have shaped your story. Our relationship serves to contextualize symptoms, interpret behaviors, transcend old constraints, and expand your sense of choice, potential, and possibility. Together, we will determine your priorities and apply practical tools to facilitate the changes you seek, cultivating new, more flexible, and satisfying ways of being. Clients find my style to be conversational, open, and transparent. I work with you to uncover and examine your challenges, actively engaged in the process. The best outcome is not only the absence of distress but also the attainment of health, wellness, and an improved quality of life, relationships, and self. All of my efforts are intended to bring increased self-awareness, release from mental burdens, and a heightened sense of overall ease and balance. I hold a Master’s degree in Mental Health from New York University, a Juris Doctor from American University, and a Bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. My clinical practice draws on experience in college counseling, outpatient addiction treatment, and private practice. I consider my previous legal career, my sustained commitment to the arts and humanities, and my intersecting identities existing within and between various cultures and contexts as valuable dimensions of my work. Ultimately, the goal of therapy is to achieve a deeper understanding of your mind and a greater freedom in relating to yourself, others, and the world, resulting in a life that feels more peaceful, authentic, creative, and energized. It takes courage and honesty to embark on this path, and is an inspiring act of dedication to yourself. I have profound respect for this work and consider it a privilege to be part of this process with you.
Firdaus Rashid
Psychotherapymore info
Couples Counselingmore info
Family Therapymore info
Psychologistmore info
Mental Healthmore info
Depressionmore info
Anxietymore info
Self Esteemmore info
Traumamore info
Eating Disordersmore info
Anger Managementmore info
Grief & Lossmore info
Substance Abusemore info
PTSDmore info
Alcoholismmore info
Sexual Abusemore info
OCDmore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
Cognitive Therapymore info
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