In our work together, I will help you reach your goals by forming an authentic connection with you. Developing this authentic connection is how I learn what has led you to therapy as well as what you want to happen next. From there, I will use my current training and skills as a person-centered therapist to ensure high quality care while we work through issues that brought you here as well as any other issues that may come up along the way. My approach helps to deal with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, family stressors, grief, professional pressure and other difficult circumstances. We will know that we are making progress when you feel better understood during our sessions, leading you to feel better understood in other areas of your life as well. I spent many years as a human resources professional where I helped others to find meaning in everyday challenges, launch and revive careers, and navigate new life stages. I have clinical experience working with adults and couples at a Brooklyn-based counseling practice and I worked closely with child, teen, and adult inpatients at New York Presbyterian Behavioral Health Center. I am joining The Soho Center as an MHC-LP after earning a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from CUNY Hunter College.
Lucy Brock MHC-LP
Psychotherapymore info
Couples Counselingmore info
Family Therapymore info
Psychologistmore info
Mental Healthmore info
Depressionmore info
Anxietymore info
Self Esteemmore info
Traumamore info
Eating Disordersmore info
Anger Managementmore info
Grief & Lossmore info
Substance Abusemore info
PTSDmore info
Alcoholismmore info
Sexual Abusemore info
OCDmore info
Bipolar Disordermore info
Cognitive Therapymore info
Divorce Mediationmore info
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