My aim in therapy is to create a space where clients can step back from their busy lives and let their minds settle. In this safe space clients can explore deep personal issues, gain the tools they need to work through them, and grow into the person they want to be. My goal is for clients to be able to face and work through present and future problems in lives to foster growth and change.
I believe that understanding the deep-rooted patterns and unconscious motivations behind our thoughts and behaviors can lead to meaningful and lasting change. Through psychodynamic therapy, I work with clients to explore and gain insight into their emotional world. Complementing this, I integrate CBT to provide practical tools for managing thoughts and behaviors in the present moment, offering a balanced approach to therapy.
I am a dedicated therapist-in-training currently pursuing my M.S. in Mental Health Counseling at Manhattan University. As I continue my journey in graduate school, I’m committed to providing empathetic, thoughtful, and evidence-based support to those seeking help. I’m here to walk with you as you take on the incredible process that is understanding and working with our own psyche.
I’m excited to work with individuals who are ready to explore their inner world and make positive changes in their lives. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply seeking personal growth, I’m here to help.
Lukas Orr
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